Sunday, January 20, 2008

Starting a Tab


Ok, so it has been too long since the last post. I'll keep the works short, and the pictures plentiful. December was a wonderful month, and we are now well into January here in 2008. I ended up heading home for Christmas week, which was a great decision on my part. We got to see lots of family and friends.

The theme for 2008, as defined by the brothers of the Nut Club, is Start a Tab. The theme is fairly self explanatory. In summary it all about living life to its fullest this year. Play the cards you are dealt and make the most of them.

Your friend,

p.s. There is no way to put a price tag on the good times.

2007 Accenture Melbourne Holiday party. Matt, Ethan, Rita, and Mr. Mike McCoy ESQ.

The week before heading back to the US we (me, Mike McCoy, and Charlie Foltz) flew down to Tasmania. We did so to play the #1 ranked public course in all of Australia. Barnbougle Dunes is also the 7th ranked course in the world. It was incredible to say the least.

Heading down toward #7 along the ocean.

Back in Alabama. Here is one of me and Stephanie from Sissy's house in Decatur. Christmas eve we spent the night in Decatur. We had a turkey and dressing meal on Christmas day, which made up for missing Thanksgiving in the states!

I finally got to see Mom and Grandma's new house in Montgomery. It is beautiful, and I am proud of them for getting the move done. Here is a shot of me, mom, and Sydney overlooking the lake in front of their house.

Sydney was happy to see us, and loves hanging out with her cousins Charlie and Princess.

We made it back to Melbourne on the 30th of December. We has a wonderful dinner at The Press Club in the central business district. The night was capped off with fireworks on the Yarra River. We saw shows at 9pm at Federation Square, and then at midnight over by the Crown Casino. It was over 100 degrees on New Years Eve, definitely the hottest I have ever seen.

In one of the first weekends back in Melbourne we went to meet one of the folks I work with on the project. Annette was very generous to take us out with her family on a beautiful Saturday.

Here is a shot from Murray's lookout, just off the Mornington Peninsula. This is just about 1 hour South of Melbourne.

Me and Annette on the beach. Small beach sheds in the background.

Me and Annette with her husband Wolfgang at one of the lookout points on our beach journey.

Here is one of me and Stephanie.

Ok, change of topics. We got a new dining table (aka poker table) for the apartment. It has already come in handy for a few poker events at the House of Payne.

Me, Charlie, Mike, and Tim went to play golf at Kingston Links. It was the first round in several weeks, so the game was a bit off. Didn't help some of the lies I had in the rough. Check this actual one out... I did the smart thing and took the unplayable lie penalty.

Me and Stephanie heading to dinner at Livebait in the Docklands. There is a very nice harbor here, with lots of sail boats and some incredible yachts. We went out for Rita's 30th birthday party. The 3rd surprise party in as many weeks!

Mike, Charlie, and me getting an early start of before heading over to the Australian Open 2008.
Our seats outside never panned out due to rain off and on during the day. Charlie, Tim, me, Wes, Rita, and Claudia enjoying some cold backs.

A generous couple gave us their tickets as they left the tennis tournament. We were able to see the epic Roger Federer and Janko Tipsarevic match. 4 and half hours of incredible tennis.