Saturday, November 10, 2007

Work/Life Balance

Hello again from Melbourne. The weather continues to get better each day, with it averaging around 25C these days. The final racing day of the Melbourne Cup Carnival week was completed this weekend. A 100-1 long shot took day the Emirates Stakes race. Incredible win.

I am starting to get my head around the work, which is allowing me to settle more into the non-work life down here. I am never really able to get comfortable in a new setting until I can get my thoughts straight on what brought me here, which is to try and make a difference for a client down here.

The photos down here are some random shots from the office here at 485 La Trobe St in downtown (aka Central Business District) Melbourne. In the distance you can see a bit of the see. I didn't realize how accessible and visible the water was from my previous visit.

We have found a way to make the most of the late evenings at work on Friday by combining a little business (lead planning sessions) with a little pleasure (case of beer). I snapped the photo below on Friday evening at the office.

I got out for another round of golf with Larry on Saturday. We played down at Sandringham Golf Link, just south of Melbourne in a town called Cheltenham. I shot my best score in years, posting a 87 (43/44).

There would not be much of a life to balance without a little college football on Sunday mornings. I setup shop at Starbucks this Sunday to watch the Auburn/Georgia game on my PC via the Slingbox ( we have setup at my friend Pete's condo. Resolution on the game over the internet was great. Outcome of the game was not. There is always next year. One more small, insignificant, game left this year versus the Crimson Tide. Fear the other hand.

Until next time, all my best.
Your friend,
p.s. One of the hardest things about focusing on the moment (inside and outside of work) is the fluidity associated with the business I am in. One quick series of events and my journey is over. I try to tell people all the time that we can't be bogged down by those things we can't control. I think I need to eat some of my own dog food.
p.p.s. Taught my lead here a new saying: "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig." He wrote it on his whiteboard.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I have never heard you use that saying before! Where did it come from? I hope you have never used it in reference to your wife!!! :)

Mom also said she hopes it has not been used to talk about your Mother-in-law before!

Pete, where's your comment about this one?